
The Bitcoin energy debate

Thought of the week by Anita Posch

The Bitcoin Energy Debate It is really important to me to debunk false arguments about Bitcoin mining. I worry about the climate situation and nature too. At the age of 16, long before the internet came along, I started supporting Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Now you see, why I am doing all this mining related content and am highlighting the humanitarian aspects of Bitcoin. This week’s podcast with Sébastien Gouspillou is one of the most important work in that respect I did so far. I know not every Bitcoin miner has his awareness, but I believe that mining on renewables is the inevitable future. Next Thursday’s guest is also incredible, it’s Abe Cambridge of Sun Exchange. We are discussing the intersection of Bitcoin, solar-power, decentralization and its positive effects on humanity and nature. Stay tuned.

International women’s day and Bitcoin

A long thread on how Bitcoin can empower women worldwide. Click to read it on Twitter.

Quote of the Week

“Since bitcoin responds to a major need and is there to last, it seems more relevant to take advantage of this new electrical demand than to be afraid with catastrophic studies or to wait for a miracle protocol supposed to replace the proven principle of proof of work.” - Sébastien Gouspillou

Top Stories

Pension funds and insurance companies are coming

The insurance and pension funds industry is coming to realize that Bitcoin is both the solution to the great financial challenges they currently face & the opportunity of a lifetime.”, says Michael Saylor.

Israeli pension company Altshuler Shaham has sunk $100 million into the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC). Altshuler Shaham is one of the largest investment houses in Israel, with over $50 billion in assets under management. The firm made the investment into GBTC in the second half of last year, when bitcoin was trading at around $21,000, according to the report. Source

New York Life insurance CEO Ted Mathas has been appointed to the board of NYDIG a technology and financial services firm dedicated to expanding institutional access to Bitcoin. Source

While writing about the humanitarian aspects of Bitcoin, this happened…

If you want to know more about the situation in Venezuela and the uses of Bitcoin, listen to Randy Brito and Anibal and Paola. Young Venezuleans who fled the country.

The distribution of Bitcoin compared to other cryptocurrencies

An interesting Coinmetrics analysis shows that Bitcoin is more fairly distributed than Ether, Litecoin, ADA and others.

New App for Lightning allows to buy pre-paid VISA cards

It’s a small step to a big deal. It means you can have a virtual credit card that allows you to spend your Lightning Bitcoin anywhere. Reminds me of the Bitrefill services.

Podcast of the week audio only

Sébastien Gouspillou: Bitcoin Mining Funds Green Energy If you have difficulties understanding Sébastien, activate subtitles on YouTube or read my write-up on the website.


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