
Thursday, Dec 12

Around 10:30 am, we headed out to the Bitcoin Babies gathering in Kimbo at Best Ever Garden. I had the idea of ordering a comfortable Uber taxi instead of a cheap Bolt one, because of the length of the journey, and our driver, Camlus and his car, turned out to be wonderful - as the gravel road and potholes were challenging for driver and passengers. He ended up spending the entire day with us, and I compensated him generously for his time and excellent service. Of course I paid in bitcoin via Tando.

At the gathering, we met the Bitcoin Babies founders - Naomi, Ramon, and Veronicah, the lead for Bitcoin Babies in Nairobi.

We were introduced to the mothers and children involved in the Bitcoin Babies initiative, as well as some of the merchants accepting Bitcoin payments. I interviewed Naomi and Veronicah while many photos were taken to capture the moments. We all enjoyed a relaxed lunch together.

After lunch, we visited the merchants who accept Bitcoin payments. An inspiring and at the same time exhausting experience in the heat of the day.

By 4:30 pm, we left Kimbo and headed back into town with Noelyne, who joined us for the ride. In the car, Noelyne introduced me to Machankura’s WhatsApp feature. I recorded a short interview while Noelyne demonstrated the feature.

We dropped her off at the JW Marriott, where she had a meeting.

Back at the flat, we relaxed a bit and then headed to the rooftop. I sent a donation of €250 via Lightning from Bitcoin for Fairness to Naomi to support Bitcoin Babies.

Martina prepared a light dinner while I sorted through videos and other materials. Packing began as we prepared for the next stage of our travels. Another full, productive day ended on a good note.

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