
Wednesday, Dec 4

Waking up at 6 am, we caught the sunrise for the first time since arriving in Nairobi, enjoying the view from the rooftop of our apartment. I spent the morning uploading videos and photos from yesterday, as the connection is faster in the morning. Martina took care of some laundry, and we got into our morning routine. The morning was spent on correspondence and finalizing our new grant application, only to find out that applications were closed for now - Bummer! We concluded that everything has its reason and decided to submit some other time. We prepared a delicious breakfast/lunch with plantains, veggies, rice leftovers, avocado, a fried egg, and baguette.

Later we went out with a Bolt taxi to go for a walk to the Arboretum. The driver told us there is only one entrance we can use, which proved to be wrong - he probably just made an extra 100 KES! We started paying the 600 KES entrance fee each with Tando, but the M-Pesa payment process was reversed, meaning Tando couldn’t be used. Fortunately, a young woman in the queue behind us offered to help and paid for us, and we transferred the 1200 KES via Tando to her M-Pesa account. When we got the receipt, I realized I had actually paid 1250 KES, with the extra 50 KES being hidden transfer charges. We turned around and gave the friendly woman 100 KES in cash to make up for it. Once inside, we explored, enjoying the monkeys, butterflies, and trees, though there was significant pollution, especially along the river walk.

At 4 pm, we met with Abubakar Nur Khalil, CEO of BTrust at Java Coffee House by a petrol station around the exit from the Arboretum, where we had initially planned to enter earlier, but the Bolt driver told us it wouldn’t be possible ;) We had nice coffee again at Java Coffee House and a great catch-up with Abubakar in a rather unusual meeting place at the petrol station. We discussed technical stuff, various wallets, the space in general, and our upcoming workshop at ABC2024.

Afterwards, we walked home. We passed a police officer who appeared to be directing traffic but looked suspiciously like a fake cop as he was standing at a straight road, where traffic didn’t need to be directed. Back home, we went up to the rooftop to watch the evening traffic and hoped for a sunset. Unfortunately, clouds blocked the full view, but the light was still beautiful.

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