
Saturday, Nov 30

The morning started at home, with some correspondence and organizing the housekeeper. By 9:30, we were heading out for a 10:00 meeting with Sabina and Jason from Tando at Biscotti Café. We’d met them before in Witsand in January 2024, when we were visiting the circular economy with Peter Todd and had dinner at a pizzeria that accepts bitcoin.

We had a great exchange during our breakfast, followed by a short interview with Sabina and Jason about their Tando journey.

At 11:00, we went to the BitDevs Nairobi meetup, hosted by Jodom of BITSACCO and others. There we also met with other Bitcoiners, including Sharon from BTrust, and the developers Simon and Isaac. I contributed to the meetup with hosting the topic about Responsible Bitcoin Development’, focused on Human Rights aspects, developers’ privacy, and user privacy. The discussion emerged around good practice examples such as wallets that improve user privacy, secure messengers like Signal, etc.

After the meetup, we enjoyed drinks, pizza, and took a group photo. Then, Sharon joined us at the bar before heading to the Maasai Market in Nairobi’s CBD to shop for gifts for the conference speakers. We had a great time and even picked up a few items for ourselves to take back to Austria, that we paid with bitcoin via Tando.

The day wrapped up with a visit to Big Fish’ restaurant, where we enjoyed local Tilapia fish with Ugali (the local sadza) and vegetables with Marcel and Sharon reflecting on a busy but exciting day.

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