
Thursday, Dec 5

Waking up to BTC 102k USD, we started the day with a mini breakfast on the balcony, observing the progress on the construction site below. I messaged a friend to see if he could assist with a P2P swap BTC to KES. From 10-11 am, we had a video call with Ndesa from Bitcoin Zambia to catch up on some topics regarding our upcoming visit in March 2025.

Afterwards, we had lunch, and surprisingly, the cleaner Sheila came by for a quick clean although this wasn’t announced and disrupted our work set up.

We then went through my slides to prepare for the Bitcoin for Beginners’ workshop next week, filtering what is essential and what is too much into detail and overwhelming for people.

At 3:30 pm, we left for the initial meetup of queer female Bitcoiners at a coworking space in CBD. People shared their stories of being discriminated, almost banned from school, harassed and beaten up on the way to university, their families rejecting them and how females are obliged to pay Black tax” (a monthly financial contribution to their families), but are not allowed to inherit any property and are excluded from the opportunity to get credit at a bank. It was quite moving to witness this coming together. We felt honored to have been invited to this first meeting, hoping more will follow.

The meeting ended at 6:30 pm, and we headed back to our AirBnB.

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