
Monday, Dec 9

The first conference day! Unfortunately, we missed the opening of the conference but arrived around 11:30 AM. After registration and collecting our conference passes, we went straight to check out the room where my session on Bitcoin Introduction and Wallet Installation’ took take place.

On our way there, we ran into Meron Estefanos, and a couple of her peers. We all headed to the pool deck together, and I did a short interview with Meron about how Bitcoin supports her work with refugees.

As I was discussing the difficulties of Internet access in Zimbabwe, she also told me about the Starlink Mini device that provides satellite internet and fits into a small rucksack and is very useful in Uganda. It costs around €300 in Europe. I decided to check one out back in Austria.

During the interview with Meron we hit a

Interested crowd at my Bitcoin introduction workshop, where we installed @JAN3's Aqua wallet. @afrobitcoindotorg #ABC24
Dec 11, 2024, 06:33 AM


Next, it was time for my session, which went really well with a great turnout. We filmed the session and took photos. The nice thing was that Humphrey from Bitcoin Zambia and Bitcoin Victoria Falls was in attendance, and he was excited to hear about our plans to visit Zambia in March 2025. I shared with him how Bitcoin for Fairness facilitates the Alby Lightning node to collect donations.

Afterwards, we met Daniel from Fairdeeds, and I signed his surfboard for the ABC2024 event.

We then had an informal chat with an Austrian working in Bitcoin mining in Malawi to get to know each other better. I shared about a mining operation in Zimbabwe and our plans to bring Bitaxe miners to the country.

After that, I helped a friend of Meron to install a wallet and sent her some Satoshis before heading back to the conference venue.

At the conference, I had a good conversation with a fellow entrepreneur, where we discussed my work, some tech stuff, GrapheneOS phones, etc. We briefly saw Pauloes from the Bitcoin Innovation Hub in Uganda and agreed to meet the following day for a quick chat.

We then went across the JW Marriott to the mall to grab a bite to eat, finding a place with some vegetarian Maki to relax a bit. Afterwards, we mingled with a few familiar faces, and suddenly Jack Dorsey was standing next to us chatting with someone. I joined the conversation, Jack Dorsey recognized me and asked how I was doing. I shared my goal for early 2025 to bring Bitcoin knowledge to opposition movements across the continent. After that great conversation, we felt it wouldn’t get any better at the crowded dinner event and we were tired, so we decided to head home.

Jack Dorsey on stage at the ABC.

We ended the evening in our apartment with a small cheese snack, some nuts, and a sip of wine.

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