
Tuesday, Dec 10

Woke up around 7 am and headed to the gym for a mix of walking, running, and weights, followed by a refreshing 30-minute swim. Feeling great and ready for the day!

After a quick shower, we made our way to JW Marriott, battling heavy traffic and feeling a bit of panic about being on time. But we had a moment to grab a coffee, taste some arrowroot, and enjoy a sandwich. During the coffee break, I met Ramon, Naomi, and Veronicah from the Bitcoin Babies project. We had a nice chat about the field visit on the 12th, and Ramon mentioned he wanted to do a short interview with me.

Sessions started a bit late, so we briefly joined the fireside chat with Jack Dorsey before heading to my panel on Unlocking Funding: Bitcoin Project Grants from HRF, Open Sats, and B-trust’. The session was packed, seems like funding for projects draws in a crowd!

We ran into Erick from Tanzania, one of the first Crack the Orange students from 2023. Thanks to Prince Akpah, we managed to get him a ticket for the conference.

After lunch, we went back to the hustle and bustle, hanging in the VIP lounge, hoping to catch Renata, but she was caught up in a conversation with Mogashni.

Next, we attended my BTC DADA: Opportunities for Women in the Bitcoin Ecosystem panel with Renata, Mogashni, and Ella, which was moderated by Marcel.

After the panel, we hung out with Meron, Paoles, and their group by the pool area. We exchanged experiences about scammers in the Bitcoin space.

We crossed over to the mall, picked up a few things from Carrefour paid in bitcoin of course, and then took a Bolt back home.

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