
Bitcoin documentary with Anita Posch on German TV

German TV stations ARD and BR published a Bitcoin documentary for which they followed me to South Africa where I worked with Bitcoin Ekasi in May 2022. The Bitcoin township is an example that Bitcoin can be used by anyone even people in less privileged circumstances.

Overall I find the documentary very well done. There are some things factually wrong like when Tante” is speaking about the CO2 emissions that a single transaction is emitting. It’s faulty mathematics. The use of energy for bitcoin does not scale to the number of transactions. The number of transactions that happen on-chain and the number of transactions that happen off-chain - for instance, on second-layer technologies like the Lightning Network or through custodial exchanges that batch transactions - are not correlated to the cost of mining. I dedicated a whole chapter of my book to the question of Bitcoin’s ecological footprint.

Other outcomes of this journey are: 

  • I brought a raspiblitz which is connecting BitcoinEkasi with the Lightning and Bitcoin network. As they can verify their own transactions with the node, they are their own bank now.
  • we set up Trezor hardware wallets which are securing the shop owners bitcoin 
  • Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin exchange Paxful opened an education center in the township

Here you can watch the documentary in German (until 25 October 2027):

You like my work and efforts with Bitcoin for Fairness to foster Bitcoin adoption on the ground in the Global South? It’s all community powered and funded by donations. Feel free to support our campaign with a donation, send sats to our lightning address or send fiat money on Patreon.

Up next Craig Wright may be called a “fraud” and “scammer” Podcast: Using Bitcoin In Zambia
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